Signs You Might Need To Have Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

It is always suggested by dentists and oral health care experts that it is essential to take proper care of our oral health. If you are not doing so, then it might lead to a lot of dental issues. Some issues could be severe enough to require dental surgeries. 

Have you ever experienced sensitivity in your teeth or gums? Especially in the back of your mouth? Do you have an odd sensation in that area? If yes, then it might be your wisdom teeth that are causing you pain and discomfort. Most often, people undergoing pain are not aware of the presence of wisdom teeth in the back of their mouth, and thus they keep assuming the pain to be temporary and delay in getting the right treatment.

So what exactly are our wisdom teeth? Why do they cause pain? And how to know whether it is the right time to get them extracted or not?

According to dentists and oral health researchers, it is believed that wisdom teeth were necessary for our ancestors in order to cut, chew, and eat raw meat or hard vegetables, or sometimes roots. But these wisdom teeth do not serve any purpose in today’s era. 

But still, wisdom teeth show up in almost 70% of the population. For some people, the wisdom tooth or wisdom teeth do not cause any problems. However, for some people, wisdom teeth growth is really painful. The teeth must be extracted before they lead to any serious dental issues. 

The wisdom teeth start erupting or growing between the ages of 17 to 21 years, but they do not serve any purpose and crowd the other permanent teeth in the mouth. They take the place of actual permanent teeth and make it difficult for them to grow and be in alignment. 

But the question is how to know when your wisdom teeth need to be removed? 

According to the dentists, the wisdom tooth or teeth issues must be analyzed and removed before the bones of the jaw become extremely hard because then it would be painful and difficult to remove the wisdom teeth. 

What Are The Warning Signs That Indicate That Your Wisdom Teeth Needs To Be Removed?

The following are some of the most common warning signs that will indicate that you need to get the wisdom teeth removed. 

#1 If There Is Extreme Pain Or Irritation Due To The Wisdom Teeth:

If you are feeling constant pain or irritation in the gums, then it is essential that you get a consultation from the dentists as soon as possible. The dentists will conduct an x-ray of your teeth and various other examinations. 

It will help them in understanding the actual location of the wisdom teeth and what would be the other factors, which are causing the pain and irritation. After the examination and tests, the dentists will let you know when your wisdom teeth could be removed.

#2 If You Are Experiencing Difficulty In Eating Food:

Some patients have experienced pain while eating food, and this is due to the wisdom teeth. The wisdom teeth grow in between the permanent teeth and gums and create problems for the adjacent teeth. Besides this, the food gets stuck in the wisdom tooth and cannot be removed even after proper brushing and flossing. 

Stuck food is the major cause of the bacteria and will lead to tooth decay. If you feel the slightest difficulty in eating your food, then it is better to consult your dentist and decide a better way to handle the issue. The dentists would suggest whether the eating difficulty is due to the wisdom teeth or not. If yes, then the best thing would be to get it removed. 

#3 If You Are Having Impacted Or Crowded Teeth: 

When your teeth are not aligned in a straight line, it is due to the unwanted eruption of the wisdom teeth in between the gum and molars. The erupted wisdom teeth or teeth would push the molars or adjacent teeth away and make other teeth crowd. The dentist would always suggest that you should get the wisdom teeth extracted as delaying it would cause problems to other teeth as well. Besides this, the impacted teeth would increase the pressure on the jawbone and make the molars grow sideways. 


Now you have understood everything about wisdom teeth and why it is important to get them removed. With the help of wisdom teeth extraction, you would be able to prevent all sorts of dental issues. You can also prevent the jaw bone from receding and keep your other teeth healthy and aligned straight. 


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